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Date: Nov 28, 2013
Category: Keynote Speaker 

by Cie Murray

Keith Harrell, Hall of Fame Keynote Speaker, "22 Guaranteed Standing Ovations" speaker, and a master of keynote speaking would have celebrated his 58th birthday on December 12, 2013.  He went to his heavenly home three years ago, but he didn't leave without making a tremendous impact on my life and thousands of others.  For more than a year, I had the privilege and honor to have been mentored by Keith.  AsKeith Harrell 2 busy as he was, every month we would have a conference call for a minimum of one hour.  Keith would answer my questions and share his wisdom on the business of keynote speaking.  I can never express enough gratitude to him for the great impact he has made on my life.  So I decided to share a portion of what I learned from him.  Here are three lessons I learned from Keith that can be of benefit to anyone, regardless of the type of presentations you may need to make.

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