Book: Got The Power

To have a gratifying, meaningful, successful work life you got to have the right tools. Got the POWER: 7 TOOLS to Produce the Work Life You Want provides workers a clear road map in seven simple tools.

This book puts workers in the driver’s seat, by helping them to re-direct and re-energize their work lives. Even if your current position may not be exactly what you want it to be, you can make adjustments that will sculpt it to fit you—utilizing your natural talents and abilities.  Got the Power is chock-full of stories about real leaders and workers, practical tips, ideas, and exercises to help you make your current or future work life playful,  joyful, improve work relationships, and manage workplace challenges.

What Others Are Saying About Got the Power

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"In this punchy straightforward business plan, Murray advocates determining one's best attributes as the path to work-life fulfillment and satisfaction.  Murray stresses the importance of finding the work you do best, rather than doing the work others expect of you." Read more

Foreword Reviews

"There are any number of inspirational books that include various "systems" for improving one's work situation.  Many of these books, however are either too vague in the advice they convey, or too complex  in the way they suggest implementing a particular strategy. Got the POWER is refreshingly different ..." Read more


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"Anyone interested in improving the performance of their team should invest  in this book.  As the CEO of an independent insurance agency, it is extremely important to have a staff that produces their best performance. 'Got the Power' gave us some tangible tools for strengthening our team to obtain their best efforts.  Again I highly recommend this work as a very practical guide to identify strengths and maximize potential for success!" 

— Roslyn W. Tripp
CEO, Tripp Insurance Services, Inc.

"Got the POWER" is not a read-once book. It is a book to read over and over again as a resource for your career journey, in workplace situations and in our reaching a fulfilling work life. I need this book by my bedside and in my office desk drawer to be that consistent reference and source of support."

— Constance Callahan
V.P. SunTrust Bank

"The competition was fierce and it was a difficult decision choosing from so many deserving books entered into this year's contest. However, the judges were unanimous in their selection of Cie Murray's Got the POWER."

— James R. Olson
Premier Book Awards